Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Driving by hick land
Lots of onions everywhere
Rednecks drinking beer

Cows eating dead grass,
Crows eating skunky roadkill,
John eating twinkies

Friday, September 3, 2010

Angry Kitty- Part 1 //Poem

I am angry~ These freaks won't leave me alone. A baby is chasing me down. I try to find somewhere to hide. There's nowhere... They pick me up. Squeeze me. I think I'm going to die. They pass me on to the baby. He holds me by my tail. I feel touched. I'm abused... help me. I get my claws ready. I scratch the baby. The parents grab me and throw me outside. I'M FREE!!! I run away~...
Five years later Im back for my revenge to the baby. I've been living with an old couple that left our house and never came back again. I waited. Too long. So now Im walking across the street to my old home. The baby still lives there. I darted across and climed through the window. There he is. My enemy. I ran as fast as I could with my old legs. I can see the scars on his face I left before. The baby is a lot bigger now. I jump up onto the boy and kick him with my clawed back feet thinking "This is fo getting me thrown out of the house!!". Im being chased... by a dog. These idiots got a pitbull instead of worring about finding me!!! I run around the house being chased by the gigantor beast. Old cat vs. Pitbull. I speeded out the back door through the nighttime forest. There's the road! If I can get across I'll be fine! As I was still being chased, I ran out into the road but when I did, I looked to my right. I see a really bright light. And I feel a thud... I am dead

~John Milender